What is the BLS Sequence of Steps in 2020?

This article explains the BLS sequence of steps or adult cardiac arrest algorithm. It is based on the American Heart Association guidelines.


What is the BLS Sequence of Steps in 2020

Lay Rescuer Adult CPR

Verify Scene Safety, Check for Responsiveness and Get Help

Step Action
1 Verify scene safety.
2 Check for response. Tap the victim on the shoulder and shout, 'Are you OK?'
3 If the victim is unresponsive, shout for nearby help.
4 Call 9-1-1, from your phone.
5 If available, get an AED or send someone else to get it.

  • CPR - If the patient is not breathing or is only gasping, immediately perform CPR.
  • If an AED arrives, turn it on, apply pads, check rhythm.
  • If shockable, give 1 shock and resume CPR.
  • If nonshockable, immediately resume CPR.
  • Continue CPR until prompted by AED to allow rhythm check.
  • Continue until emergency services arrive and takes over.

Virtual Reality Example of Lay Rescuer Adult CPR Scenario

Healthcare Provider Adult CPR

Verify Scene Safety, Check for Responsiveness and Get Help

Step Action
1 Verify scene safety.
2 Check for response. Tap the victim on the shoulder and shout, 'Are you OK?'
3 If the victim is unresponsive, shout for nearby help.
4 Activate the emergency response system. Either call 9-1-1, mobilize the code team or notify advanced life support.
5 Get the AED/defibrillator and emergency equipment or send someone else to get them.

Assess for Breathing and Pulse

Check for breathing and pulse simultaneously


Scan the victim's chest for rise and fall for no more than 10 seconds

Pulse - Locating the Carotid Pulse

Step Action
1 Locate the trachea (on the side closest to you), using 2 or 3 fingers.
2 Slide these 2 or 3 fingers into the groove between the trachea and the muscles at the side of the neck, where you can feel the carotid pulse
3 Feel for a pulse for at least 5 but no more than 10 seconds. If you do not feel a pulse, begin CPR, starting with chest compressions.

  • CPR - If the patient is not breathing or is only gasping, immediately perform CPR.
  • If an AED arrives, turn it on, apply pads, check rhythm.
  • If shockable, give 1 shock and resume CPR.
  • If nonshockable, immediately resume CPR.
  • Continue CPR until prompted by AED to allow rhythm check.
  • Continue until emergency services arrive and takes over.

Virtual Reality Example of Healthcare Provider Adult CPR Scenario

How to perform high-quality CPR

Step Action
1 Position yourself at the victim's side.
2 Make sure the victim is lying faceup on a firm surface. If the victim is lying facedown, carefully roll them faceup. If you suspect the victim has a head or neck injury, try to keep the head, neck, andtorso in a line when rolling the victim to a faceup position.
3 Put the heel of one hand in the center of the victim's chest
4 Put the heel of your other hand on top of the first hand.
5 Straighten your arms and position your shoulders directly over your hands.
6 Give chest compressions at a rate of 100 to 120/min.
7 Pressdown at least 2 inches (5cm) with each compression.
8 At the end of each compression, make sure you allow the chest to recoil completely.
9 Minimize interruptions of chest compressions.

Adult Breaths

For breaths to be effective, the victim's airway must be open. This can be achieved with the head tilt-chin lift method.

Step Action
1 Place one hand on the victim's forehead and push with your palm to tilt the head back.
1 Place the fingers of the other hand under the bony part of the lower jaw near the chin.
1 Lift the jaw to bring the chin forward.


Morgan Page

Chief Technical Officer